Hospital Consultants

Find out about working as a hospital consultant in Southern Ireland

The fact that you are here exploring means that you are considering or are at least curious about what it might be like to live and work as a hospital consultant in the Republic of Ireland. You might be a UK trained peri-CCT trainee or newly qualified consultant who is wondering if there is more to your career than a life in a somewhat struggling NHS system. Or you might be an established consultant who wants to evaluate what an alternative later stage to your career might look like without necessarily having to travel halfway across the world to do this.

Or you may be an EU or Overseas trained specialist who is considering working as a substantive consultant or GP in the Republic of Ireland but are unsure of how to navigate the application and interview hurdles.

In each case however, the New Irish Public Hospital only Consultant contract launched in the Republic of Ireland in February 2023 is now a very significant factor in your deliberations. It is the only Consultant contract on offer to newly appointed consultants in Ireland. It represents a very substantial improvement on the terms and conditions previously offered there and certainly those that are experienced in the NHS and wider afield. Click Here to find out more.

The Irish Medical Council generally continues to recognise UK Specialist (including GP) qualifications in the same manner as it did before Britain exited the European Union. Most UK Specialist qualifications are automatically recognised and do not require a full assessment and application pack unlike for example that which is required in Australia or New Zealand. Registration including Specialist registration is through an online process with clear instructions provided throughout the process. Registration is not required to apply and be short-listed for a post in the Republic of Ireland. But if appointed, you will need to register within 6 months of appointment date. Southern Ireland Doctors can help you with this process including access to questions and answers already made on your behalf.

The process towards securing a substantive permanent consultant appointment in the Republic of Ireland is very similar to what we experience in the United Kingdom. It is a competitive process albeit the relative shortage of hospital consultants in some specialties may offer a competitive advantage to UK trained consultants. Many would be applicants however are unsuccessful with their applications due to a lack of local knowledge and understanding into the Managerial and Governance aspects of the Irish Medical System. At Southern Ireland Doctors, with our CEO’s Clinical Director Recruitment experience and thorough understanding of the Irish Healthcare model, we can help put you in the best possible position to successfully secure your new career and lifestyle in the Republic of Ireland. This includes a mock interview for when that time arrives.

The healthcare model in the Republic of Ireland is in many ways very similar to that which is provided in the United Kingdom. It is one of the reasons that Irish healthcare workers, including many of your own colleagues, have so successfully assimilated into the UK NHS model of healthcare. The Irish model is well established on the path towards Universal Healthcare for all at the point of need. Currently, like the UK, there is a two-tiered system, consisting of both public and private healthcare. In most public hospitals, private healthcare is also delivered on the same site to those patients who choose to be treated privately. Private healthcare is also provided in exclusively private hospital settings too. The Public Healthcare System is known as the Health Service Executive while the private healthcare system is made up of a network of private hospitals and clinics including BUPA provided models. Like the NHS, The HSE is responsible for providing healthcare services to the majority of the population, with the exception of those who have private health insurance or who are willing to pay for private healthcare from other resources. The HSE is funded by the Irish Government through taxation and provides services free of charge or at a reduced cost where applicable. The HSE provides a wide range of healthcare services including primary care (similar to GMS model), hospital care, mental health services and community health services.

The question really should be why would you not choose to live and work in the Republic of Ireland? Here are what we feel are the top ten reasons why a medical career here is the right choice for you and your family.

1. The Irish Healthcare model is transitioning to a Universal Healthcare model similar to that which we have in the United Kingdom. The New 2023 Irish Public hospital consultant contract (link already provided above) will be a cornerstone of this model. This contract is substantially and significantly better than that which is currently available in all 4 regions of the United Kingdom. Basic salary Remuneration alone is approximately twice that of a typical NHS consultant equivalent. With very attractive top ups for both on-calls and CD responsibility allowances too.

2. Private practice may also be pursued under the terms of the New Consultant contract. Up to 40% of the population have private health insurance too meaning that a significant boost to public hospital work earnings is available for those who choose this option. The only stipulation, similar to standard NHS contracts, is that this work is undertaken outside the contracted 37 hours of public hospital work.

3. Culturally and Geographically, both the UK and Republic of Ireland are very similar. We share the same time zone. The same weather. The same love of Sport, Music and having fun. We drive on the same side of the road. The Republic of Ireland is on your doorstep and even shares a land border with the United Kingdom. The average flight time between countries is approximately 1 hour. There are also excellent and frequent ferry links. You don’t have to move to the other side of the world to achieve the high quality of life that you have worked so hard for.

4. The Republic of Ireland is a liberal, tolerant, highly educated and peaceful country. For example, Our current prime minister, Taoiseach (pronounced Tee-Shock) who is also incidentally a doctor, is both a member of the gay community and the son of Indian and Irish parents. The Republic of Ireland was the first country in the EU to recognise same sex marriage. And In recognition of the massive contribution of Irish women to Irish society, February 1st was declared to be a public holiday from 2023 in honour of St Brigid, the female patron saint of Ireland. March 17th continues as a public holiday for St Patricks Day. Incidentally, there are 10 public holidays annually in the Republic of Ireland which compares well with 8 provided in the UK.

5. The Republic of Ireland has a rich cultural heritage. The Irish people are known for their warm and welcoming nature including proportionately welcoming the greatest number of Ukrainian refugees for sanctuary following the outbreak of war in Eastern Europe. Festivals and events celebrating Irish Culture are held in most cities, towns and villages throughout the year and the quality of life offered to Irish residents is richly enhanced as a result.

6. The Republic of Ireland is renowned for its natural beauty. The public inland and coastal waterways remain under public control and benefit from the strictest of EU water safety measures. The stunning landscapes, pristine coastlines & beaches, beautiful mountains and lakes are renowned worldwide and offer amazing quality of life opportunities and outdoor activities to everyone and within easy reach.

7. The Republic of Ireland ranks high in terms of quality of life and World Happiness indices. Amateur and professional sports thrive with high levels of participation for both boys and girls.Saturday morning parkruns are a regular event in all 26 counties in the Republic of Ireland. Gaelic Games including Football and Hurling, Soccer, Rugby, Hockey, Surfing and a blossoming Cricket scene are just some of the national pastime sports available to enjoy.

8. The Republic of Ireland also boasts a very strong education system. It is home to several prestigious universities including Trinity College Dublin. Think of the highly performing Irish colleagues you might know in your ownhospital for example? It provides excellent healthcare, has low crime rates and a relatively high standard of living. We prioritise family life and educating our children to be the best persons they can be.

9. Ireland has a highly robust and diverse economy. Ongoing membership of the European Union has facilitated the transition of the country to being one of the most successful economies in the world. Its GDP per capita (wealth per person) is the fourth highest in the world. Most of the biggest companies in the world including Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Apple base their European headquarters here. The financial and knowledge sectors together with pharmaceuticals represent our largest exports. Current Inflationary pressures are also falling considerably faster than in the United Kingdom.

10. There is a strong culture of Community Spirit in the Republic of Ireland. This makes it considerably easier on new arrivals to integrate into the local community and create lasting connections. The Medical workforce are one of the most highly regarded and respected members of community in this regard.

Hospital Consultants

Find out about working as a hospital consultant in Southern Ireland

The fact that you are here exploring means that you are considering or are at least curious about what it might be like to live and work as a hospital consultant in the Republic of Ireland. You might be a UK trained peri-CCT trainee or newly qualified consultant who is wondering if there is more to your career than a life in a somewhat struggling NHS system. Or you might be an established consultant who wants to evaluate what an alternative later stage to your career might look like without necessarily having to travel halfway across the world to do this.

Or you may be an EU trained specialist who is considering working as a substantive consultant or GP in the Republic of Ireland but are unsure of how to navigate the application and interview hurdles.

In each case however, the New Irish Public Hospital only Consultant contract launched in the Republic of Ireland in February 2023 is now a very significant factor in your deliberations. It is the only Consultant contract on offer to newly appointed consultants in Ireland. It represents a very substantial improvement on the terms and conditions previously offered there and certainly those that are experienced in the NHS and wider afield. Click Here to find out more.

The Irish Medical Council generally continues to recognise UK Specialist (including GP) qualifications in the same manner as it did before Britain exited the European Union. Most UK Specialist qualifications are automatically recognised and do not require a full assessment and application pack unlike for example that which is required in Australia or New Zealand. Registration including Specialist registration is through an online process with clear instructions provided throughout the process. Registration is required to be considered and short-listed for a post in the Republic of Ireland. Southern Ireland Doctors can help you with this process including access to questions and answers already made on your behalf.

The process towards securing a substantive permanent consultant appointment in the Republic of Ireland is very similar to what we experience in the United Kingdom. It is a competitive process albeit the relative shortage of hospital consultants in some specialties may offer a competitive advantage to UK trained consultants. Many would be applicants however are unsuccessful with their applications due to a lack of local knowledge and understanding into the Managerial and Governance aspects of the Irish Medical System. At Southern Ireland Doctors, with our CEO’s Clinical Director Recruitment experience and thorough understanding of the Irish Healthcare model, we can help put you in the best possible position to successfully secure your new career and lifestyle in the Republic of Ireland. This includes a mock interview for when that time arrives.

The healthcare model in the Republic of Ireland is in many ways very similar to that which is provided in the United Kingdom. It is one of the reasons that Irish healthcare workers, including many of your own colleagues, have so successfully assimilated into the UK NHS model of healthcare. The Irish model is well established on the path towards Universal Healthcare for all at the point of need. Currently, like the UK, there is a two-tiered system, consisting of both public and private healthcare. In most public hospitals, private healthcare is also delivered on the same site to those patients who choose to be treated privately. Private healthcare is also provided in exclusively private hospital settings too. The Public Healthcare System is known as the Health Service Executive while the private healthcare system is made up of a network of private hospitals and clinics including BUPA provided models. Like the NHS, The HSE is responsible for providing healthcare services to the majority of the population, with the exception of those who have private health insurance or who are willing to pay for private healthcare from other resources. The HSE is funded by the Irish Government through taxation and provides services free of charge or at a reduced cost where applicable. The HSE provides a wide range of healthcare services including primary care (similar to GMS model), hospital care, mental health services and community health services.

The question really should be why would you not choose to live and work in the Republic of Ireland? Here are what we feel are the top ten reasons why a medical career here is the right choice for you and your family.

1. The Irish Healthcare model is transitioning to a Universal Healthcare model similar to that which we have in the United Kingdom. The New 2023 Irish Public hospital consultant contract (link already provided above) will be a cornerstone of this model. This contract is substantially and significantly better than that which is currently available in all 4 regions of the United Kingdom. Basic salary Remuneration alone is approximately twice that of a typical NHS consultant equivalent. With very attractive top ups for both on-calls and CD responsibility allowances too.

2. Private practice may also be pursued under the terms of the New Consultant contract. Up to 40% of the population have private health insurance too meaning that a significant boost to public hospital work earnings is available for those who choose this option. The only stipulation, similar to standard NHS contracts, is that this work is undertaken outside the contracted 37 hours of public hospital work.

3. Culturally and Geographically, both the UK and Republic of Ireland are very similar. We share the same time zone. The same weather. The same love of Sport, Music and having fun. We drive on the same side of the road. The Republic of Ireland is on your doorstep and even shares a land border with the United Kingdom. The average flight time between countries is approximately 1 hour. There are also excellent and frequent ferry links. You don’t have to move to the other side of the world to achieve the high quality of life that you have worked so hard for.

4. The Republic of Ireland is a liberal, tolerant, highly educated and peaceful country. For example, Our current prime minister, Taoiseach (pronounced Tee-Shock) who is also incidentally a doctor, is both a member of the gay community and the son of Indian and Irish parents. The Republic of Ireland was the first country in the EU to recognise same sex marriage. And In recognition of the massive contribution of Irish women to Irish society, February 1st was declared to be a public holiday from 2023 in honour of St Brigid, the female patron saint of Ireland. March 17th continues as a public holiday for St Patricks Day. Incidentally, there are 10 public holidays annually in the Republic of Ireland which compares well with 8 provided in the UK.

5. The Republic of Ireland has a rich cultural heritage. The Irish people are known for their warm and welcoming nature including proportionately welcoming the greatest number of Ukrainian refugees for sanctuary following the outbreak of war in Eastern Europe. Festivals and events celebrating Irish Culture are held in most cities, towns and villages throughout the year and the quality of life offered to Irish residents is richly enhanced as a result.

6. The Republic of Ireland is renowned for its natural beauty. The public inland and coastal waterways remain under public control and benefit from the strictest of EU water safety measures. The stunning landscapes, pristine coastlines & beaches, beautiful mountains and lakes are renowned worldwide and offer amazing quality of life opportunities and outdoor activities to everyone and within easy reach.

7. The Republic of Ireland ranks high in terms of quality of life and World Happiness indices. Amateur and professional sports thrive with high levels of participation for both boys and girls.Saturday morning parkruns are a regular event in all 26 counties in the Republic of Ireland. Gaelic Games including Football and Hurling, Soccer, Rugby, Hockey, Surfing and a blossoming Cricket scene are just some of the national pastime sports available to enjoy.

8. The Republic of Ireland also boasts a very strong education system. It is home to several prestigious universities including Trinity College Dublin. Think of the highly performing Irish colleagues you might know in your ownhospital for example? It provides excellent healthcare, has low crime rates and a relatively high standard of living. We prioritise family life and educating our children to be the best persons they can be.

9. Ireland has a highly robust and diverse economy. Ongoing membership of the European Union has facilitated the transition of the country to being one of the most successful economies in the world. Its GDP per capita (wealth per person) is the fourth highest in the world. Most of the biggest companies in the world including Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Apple base their European headquarters here. The financial and knowledge sectors together with pharmaceuticals represent our largest exports. Current Inflationary pressures are also falling considerably faster than in the United Kingdom.

10. There is a strong culture of Community Spirit in the Republic of Ireland. This makes it considerably easier on new arrivals to integrate into the local community and create lasting connections. The Medical workforce are one of the most highly regarded and respected members of community in this regard.

Southern Ireland Doctors General Practice

Whilst hospital consultant recruitment is our particular and primary area of expertise, we can also help with General practice careers in the Republic of Ireland.

We recognise that up to one third of doctors are in “physician couple” relationships and that in many cases one of the professionals in the couple may work in primary care. At Southern Ireland Doctors we can offer a similar doctor to doctor personalised relationship to help you establish your primary care career in the Republic of Ireland. We can also facilitate introductions into General Practice through several of our informal networks including an active and thriving Irish medical school diaspora. The Irish College of General Practitioners is also a very useful resource link covering most aspects of a fulfilling career in General Practice in Southern Ireland.

Southern Ireland Doctors General Practice

Whilst hospital consultant recruitment is our particular and primary area of expertise, we can also help with General practice careers in the Republic of Ireland.

We recognise that up to one third of doctors are in “physician couple” relationships and that in many cases one of the professionals in the couple may work in primary care. At Southern Ireland Doctors we can offer a similar doctor to doctor personalised relationship to help you establish your primary care career in the Republic of Ireland. We can also facilitate introductions into General Practice through several of our informal networks including an active and thriving Irish medical school diaspora. The Irish College of General Practitioners is also a very useful resource link covering most aspects of a fulfilling career in General Practice in Southern Ireland.